Kunjungan ke "Faculty of Economics and Management" dan "Faculty of information Science and technology" Universitas Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)


Kunjungan ke "Faculty of Economics and Management" dan "Faculty of information Science and technology" Universitas Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)

Kegiatan hari pertama,  Kamis, 5 Oktober 2023
Mengunjungi Fakulti Ekonomi dan Pengurusan/Faculty of Economics and Management.

Diterima oleh
Dr. Ahmad Raflis Che Omar, Kepala Yunus Centre for Social Business (YCSB) UKM
Nur Syahidah Binti Shahabuddin (Administrative Officer)

Topik Pembicaraan terkait:

  1. Join Research.
  2. Hold a joint International Conference.
  3. Joint publication.
  4. Student Exchange.
  5. Visiting lecturer.
  6. Collaboration to conduct master and PhD Program



Hari Kedua, Jumat 6 Oktober 2023

Bertemu dengan:
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd. Ridzwan Yaakub
Deputy Dean
Industry & Community Partnership Affairs
Faculty of Information Science and Technology